DIY Flavored Lip Gloss Recipes
DIY Flavored Lip Gloss Recipes

The last and final piece of the makeup routine can make or break the look. If you want to ensure that your look is always fabulous, consider making your own flavored lip gloss. Making it yourself allows you to not only pick the flavor but also customize it and save money in the process! If you are thinking that this is something you want to try, read the material below for DIY flavored lip gloss recipes.

Get Your Ingredients

To successfully create your own favorite flavored lip gloss, you need to ensure that you have every necessary ingredient to complete the recipe. The ingredients are as follows: grapeseed or olive oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter or shea butter, beeswax, vitamin E pills, and the container of your choosing. Having essential oils might come in handy as well.

Pick Your Favorite Flavor

If you are wanting to add your favorite flavor to the mix, decide which essential oil to add to the recipe. Get creative! There are numerous essential oil flavors out there to pick from. If you are looking for flavors to add to this mixture, we can help you here at Get Suckered. We are flavor extract manufacturers and have numerous flavors available on our website! Check it out today.

Follow the Instructions

To begin the process, put the following products into a measuring cup that allows for an easy and smooth pour: grapeseed or olive oil, coconut oil, cocoa or shea butter, and beeswax. Once you have put all ingredients in the measuring cup, place it in a pot. Make sure that there are two inches of water in the pot. Turn on the flame and heat the water until the mixture in the measuring cup melts. This should take about 10 to 15 minutes.

When you have the mixture melting, cut the ends off the vitamin E capsules and put them into the mixture. After you add the vitamin E capsules, grab your essential oil of choice and add it to the mixture. You are almost there! Mix everything together extremely well. When you feel like it is completely put together, safely pour the mixture into your chosen container. Please, wait for a total of 20 minutes or more before trying on the lip gloss. It will still be warm, and you don’t want to burn your lips!

If you are looking for the perfect lip gloss or just for something fun to do on Friday night with the girls, this DIY flavored lip gloss recipe is great. Try it out, great creative, and look fabulous!

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