Collection: Candy Flavored Concentrates

From Sweet and Citrusy to Tangy and Sour, candy Flavors come in various forms. You can replicate the taste of your favorite confections with our Concentrated Candy Flavored Liquids. Add our products to baked goods, beverages, lip gloss, and specialty items. The tasty enhancements elevate recipes with premium ingredients. Our highly concentrated liquids go a long way, and you only need a few drops to boost your creations. Incorporate crowd-pleasing Candy Flavorings like Cotton Candy, Dutch Chocolate, and Lemon Round Candy. Take your recipes to new heights with our products, and enjoy a new and improved Flavor profile.

Whether you own a cosmetic line or bake homemade goods, our Concentrated Candy Flavored liquids are fantastic additions to your operation. Buy one or all of our Flavors today!